alexia dyslexia: ruiner

I hopped out my bedroom window and ran into the woods. I lit up a ciggerate and thought. I can't beleive I'm finally doing this I told myself. I walked along the highway behind the woods. I had my purse and 2 backpacks with me. My kitten, EJ was in my hands. As I walked tons of cars beeped. Most of them were old perverted men who should be in jail. I just had my cell phone number changed and had free acsess on my cell phone and pager for a year. I ran away while my everyone was sleeping so I didn't have to worry. I planned to stay at my boyfriend's house. After 6 miles of walking and a lot of pain I reached his house. I put makeup on and fixed my hair. Someone opened the door and looked out. It was Dave, my boyfriend. He unlocked all the locks on the door and came outside slamming it behind him. He looked nervous and pulled me on the side of his house.
"Juliette you can't stay here" he said. I almost started crying but stayed strong.
"First of all, we are going out, it's Jewl or Jewls. Second of all why the hell not" I said as I lit another ciggerate.
"Well my mom is here for the weekend and-a bimboish looking girl came outside.
"Davy, honey...It's cold out here...come back inside and I'll warm you up"she said. Dave looked embarressed. I was astonished.
"Go inside and I'll be in in a second. The girl noticed me.
"Who is she" she asked in her high pitched voice. I took a hit off the ciggerate and started pacing.
"Oh she is my...umm sister" he said. I stood wide eyed at him. She walked back inside.
"Your cheating on me with that tramp" I said pushing him up against the wall of his house.
"I can't believe this" I moaned putting my head in my hands. He put his arms around me.
"Get off of me you fag" I screamed as I slapped him. I started walking away.
"Juliette! I know of a place you can stay" he said. I stopped and turned around and looked at him.
"There is this place in Macormori. I'll drive you there." he said. I got in on the drivers side of his car.
"You can't drive your only 14" he yelled.
"And your 18 " I practicly screamed as I grabbed his keys and started the car. He jumped in the other seat as I drove off. The only words we exchanged on the way to macormori were directions. I couldn't believe I went out of him.
"Turn left" he said.
 a l e x i a   d y s l e x i a 

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