m y s t e r e :
memorial day 2ooo

[ed. note]- this video was found at a yard sale somewhere in western michigan... it found its way into my hands thru skullduggery that must go uncredited... thanx to the perpetrators, tho...

sometimes you open up a book you bought used and a picture falls out. removed from its orignal points of reference it can become a piece of "found art", anthropologically significant, culturally isolated, voyeur pieces which allow the viewer to make their own associations.

that's what this video is. 22 minutes of unremitting mayhem, largely visited by the participants upon themselves. various drunken/stoned escapades, including mud wrestling (see picture at top), pyromanic firesetting (including the campers burning a tent & a couch) & off-road vehicle abuse.

part "found art" part forensic evidence of the underbelly of trashy white american michigan anti-culture.

does it pay to ponder about the other lives of these self-documenting fools? could they be teachers, public safety officers, factory rats? or just yard monkeys?

wouldn't it be a nightmare to think that that party video that was made at some early-adulthood post-adolescent bash had found its way into general circulation?

questions abound... "why are they doing that?"- rebel griswold, "why are we watching this?"- alexia dyslexia... and "where can i get this?".

 b . w i l d e r e d 

...information, updates and corrections to this article can be sent to...
email: b.wildered@white-rose.net
d e s i d e r a t a number nine
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