el rosad vieteik resod 2oo8
videography (as of december 2oo8)
- will soderberg...video et taceo
forthcoming dvd-r - a new series of original short films on video
- de·fenestra...sync o7
wrn-136 2oo7 dvd-r - elijah church, james cornish, john wolf mcintyre, will soderberg; recorded 1o march 2oo7 at the 'sync o7' digital arts festival held in the duderstadt center video studio at the university of michigan; audio and video produced by will soderberg; shopping cart link
- de·fenestra...tiktaalik
wrn-134 2oo7 dvd-r - elijah church, james cornish, rob crozier, curtis glatter, steven goossen, john wolf mcintyre, ryan oppermann, chris petersen, will soderberg; recorded 16 october 2oo7 at dreamland, ypsilanti; audio and video produced by will soderberg; shopping cart link
- will soderberg...touching-the-clouds
wrn-o1x 1985/2oo7 dvd-r- produced 1985 at the western michigan university; electronic sounds and video art by will soderberg, includes original soundtrack (remastered 2oo7) plus alternate soundtrack (from wrn-1o1 the-one-that-runs-through, recorded 1984-1985, remastered 2oo1); shopping cart link
- will soderberg with piotr michalowski...sync o6
wrn-132 2oo7 dvd-r - recorded 1o march 2oo6 at the 'sync o6' digital arts festival held in the duderstadt center video studio at the university of michigan; digital video presentation and electronic sounds by will soderberg, including manipulation and processing of organic woodwind sounds played by piotr michalowski; shopping cart link
- will soderberg...rescue from oblivion in the mirror universe
wrn-121 2oo6 dvd-r- limited edition release documenting an audio/video installation created for the 'sonic landscapes' exhibit at (scene) metrospace, east lansing; includes audio and video sources from 1984-2oo6; shopping cart link
s i n g i n g   t o   a   s t o n e
- singing to a stone rattling wall collective - 11 october 2oo7
2oo7 - live at (scene) metrospace, east lansing 2oo7.1o.11
- singing to a stone roxanne jean polise vs. rebel griswold, round 2
2oo5 - live the labyrinth, detroit 2oo5.o8.o7
- singing to a stone mouthpet
2oo5 - live in bloomington, indiana 2oo5.o7.29
- singing to a stone [de.fenestra] featuring guillermo gregorio
2oo5 - featuring pbk, uncle dave lewis, will soderberg + guillermo gregorio; live in chicago 2oo5.o9.11
- singing to a stone roxanne jean polise vs. rebel griswold
2oo5 - live in bowling green, ohio 2oo5.o7.o9
- singing to a stone laundry room squelchers
2oo5 - live at detroit art space 2oo3.1o.o2
- singing to a stone rattling wall collective - family reunion
2oo5 - live at family reunion noise festival, 7332 gallery, detroit 2oo4.o7.17
- singing to a stone kites
2oo4 - live at nom d'artiste, boston 2oo4.o6.26
- singing to a stone nautical almanac
2oo4 - live at the detroit art space 2oo4.o6.24
- singing to a stone spoof
2oo4 - produced by will soderberg 2oo4.o5.21
- singing to a stone redrot/honeymuzzle/black sand desert
2oo4 - live at the detroit art space 2oo3.o6.12
- singing to a stone steven curtin
2oo4 - live at the angel moon cafe 2oo3.12.28
- singing to a stone iovae
2oo4 - live at the angel moon cafe 2oo3.12.28
- singing to a stone volente o nolente
2oo3 - live in the basement 2oo3.o8.22
- singing to a stone eric cook with ben bracken
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo3.o7.19
- singing to a stone irene moon
2oo3 - live at the buddha 2oo3.o4.19
- singing to a stone rattling wall collective
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo3.o7.19
- singing to a stone tv pow
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo3.o7.19
- singing to a stone emil beaulieau
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo3.o7.14
- singing to a stone cotton museum
2oo3 - live in birmingham 2oo3.o2.o7; featuring chris pottinger
- singing to a stone noiseboat/arnoux
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo2.1o.12; arnoux collective featuring lonnie methe, dylan shearer, james davis, jonathan browning; noiseboat featuring alex boardman
- singing to a stone 5o% bEaM sPlitTeR
2oo3 - live at the detroit art space 2oo2.1o.12; featuring chris pottinger & will s.
- singing to a stone wolf eyes
2oo2 - live @ detroit contemporary 2oo1.11.15; featuring nate young, aaron dilloway & john olson
- mutant press...waiting for the man/darkside of hell
2oo2 - featuring jerome t. youngman; produced by mutant press & b.wildered
- will soderberg...lapryè elektwonika
2oo1 - video feedback experiments
- sinarquist anónimo...tráigalo al jerome
1998 - la red de la rosa blanca 1998 presenta videos de la música como visto en episodio del "tráigalo al jerome" producido por guillermo de sinarquist
- young urban failures crap detector
1996 - glen bergers/will s.
- young urban failures scars of love
1996 - d. wood/glen bergers/will s.
- will s. how can you say?
1993 - s-vhs format; unfinished
- just say no cartoon castle/pit bulls on crack
1990 - featuring ken knott/steve miller/mike achtenberg/randy huiskens/tom potter; semi-unfinished
- singing to a stone parts unknown
1990 - distribution sampler featuring "art sure is ugly" cartoon/ just say no/godbullies/clan x & ark of bone/chimera/abiku red/latchkey kids
- latchkey kids circle of disintegration
1990 - patt clark/will s.
- reckless eyeballs sammy’s got the power
1990 - steve case/ will s.; semi-unfinished
- singing to a stone woyzeck
1990 - video of play directed by werner krieglstein, kalamazoo, 1989; featuring music by godbullies
- godbullies red blood
1989 - edited from footage shot & directed by werner krieglstein, kalamazoo, 1989
- just say no lisa danger
1989 - featuring ken knott/steve miller/mike achtenberg/randy huiskens/tom potter
- latchkey kids pale one
1989 - ken knott/will s.; video features "sparkle tammy"
m i d d l e   f i d e l i t y   t e l e v is i o n
- middle fidelity television revokable upon infidelity
1989 - compilation featuring clan x & ark of bone/tool crib/d.s.m./technoslave/charm farm/latchkey kids
- middle fidelity television latchkey kids--in rock paintings
1988 - dick bowser/ john dritsas/will s. recorded live in the community access center studio
- middle fidelity television union move
1988 - recorded live in the community access center studio
- middle fidelity television technoslave
1988 - recorded live at the whistlestop, kalamazoo
- middle fidelity television d.s.m.
1988 - recorded live at the whistlestop, kalamazoo
- middle fidelity television toolcrib
1988 - recorded live at the whistlestop, kalamazoo
- middle fidelity television black spring
1988 - recorded live in the community access center studio
- middle fidelity television ladonna smith and davey williams
1988 - recorded live at nazareth college by che' parker
- middle fidelity television new year’s special
1987 - "art sure is ugly" premier
- middle fidelity television clan x & ark of bone-the certified niggerologist show (a cartoon of seditious intent)
1987 - written and directed by michael love; produced by will s.
- middle fidelity television m-19
1987 - recorded live at the widr-fm friday freebie concert series
- middle fidelity television charm farm
1987 - recorded live at the widr-fm friday freebie concert series
- middle fidelity television chimera/ark of bone
1986 - recorded live at the club soda, kalamazoo
c . a . m . p . k a l a m a z o o
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo c.a.m.p.kalamazoo revisited
1986 - compilation featuring chimera/abiku red/noise puzzle/man alive/latchkey kids/will s.
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #7 chimera
1986 - featuring sue moulds/michael love; recorded live at the community access center studio
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #6 latchkey kids--on the fritz
1986 - featuring ken knott/will s.; recorded live at the community access center studio
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #5 shining path
1986 - featuring david b. livingstone
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #4 abiku red-the monkey steals the peach
1986 - featuring michael love/sherrie feight
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #3 noise puzzle-the math behind the mint
1986 - featuring john shepard
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #2 man alive-is man alive?
1986 - featuring andy bennett/tom fuller/charles bradford/colin bradford/tom griffuen
- c.a.m.p.kalamazoo #1 the-one that-runs-through
1986 - featuring will soderberg

how to order videos
band pages
email: will.s [at] white-rose [dot] net