from the library of EleKTriKAyE...

"Fucked Up + Photocopied: Instant Art of the Punk Rock Movement"

(Bryan Ray Turcotte & Christopher T. Miller; 1999 Ginko Press, Inc)

Winner of the Firecracker Alternative Book Award 2000 for Music

My attention was called to this book after I was informed that one of my flyers was inside its 240 pages. Fucked Up + Photocopied is a collection of flyers made for punk/hardcore/thrash bands between 1977 and 1985. Those of us back in the day made them out of whatever we could find lying about, would then run to a Kinko’s or some copying place then plaster them wherever we could. The flyers within it’s pages truly show the individuality of the musicians and those in the punk scene and the desire to bring on something new.

I looked on at flyers for such bands as Black Flag, the DKs, Germs, Cramps...and all I could do was smile, for it was an era that still to this day cannot be denied in music history. We tore down disco and ripped apart rock. We wanted to shock and bring about something new, and we did. We wanted to make music history, and we burned our mark in it, on every single flyer we xeroxed.

Anyone who is into some serious history about alternative music and the punk era should definitely possess a copy of this. The essays/interviews found within really do provide the reader with a whole new perspective on the era... how individualism did rule, no matter how the old folks tried to say we all looked alike. This is on my coffee table now; along with the Blue’s Clues Activity Book and Pokemon Trainer’s Guides as a symbol that mom at one time was pretty cool. It helped me to give my son a bit of a history lesson by reviewing the images, telling him of how some bands took on their names. This is a great photojournalistic expose of an era that some thought would burn out and fade away. Check out ebay... my old LPs are worth a mint.

There is contact information to let the editors know who made what art inside its pages to update further editions. I found 3 of mine. My son thinks I rule. Who says that the youth of today do not have any taste?

EleKTriKAyE is a digital artist/web designer and existentialista in belleville, michigan. she teaches HTML and Photoshop at a local community college.  in her spare time she raises 2 kids, records some techno noise, writes erotica/essays/poetry, and torments our editorial staff.  if you have any suggestions for articles, information, cool links/downloads, or just wish to spam her, email her at

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